Welcome to Interlude LLC

At Interlude, we specialize in convenient products designed by Engineer musicians, for all musicians.

Our product is an Indoor Outdoor rechargeable battery supply, with the intent of keeping you going  for  your music, not your batteries.

Keep your phone and musical effects boxes charged through your whole gig with rechargeable Power Supply Chain 1, from Interlude LLC. 

The supply features 19 possible power connections; 16 +-9V at 150mA   2   12V 250mA and 1 USB 5V at 2.1 amps

With PSC1, the voltage remains constant throughout the  entire charged cycle of the battery. Conventional batteries voltage will sag as it discharges causing weird sound and light problems with your effects.

The Supply is very easy to use. Just press the button on top enabling the battery and you're ready to plug in your effects and play. It's also handy around the house too, or on trips.


Most guitar effects use -9V. That is the default setting conforms to industry standard. You'll see the green lights under the output ports. However, if you need +9V, just turn it over and place the jumper in the +9V slot. You'll  see the green light turn orange.

When the battery needs to  be recharged, use the micro B or micro C charge port with standard USB cord input. (Cable enclosed free)

When you charge the Power Supply 1, be sure to press the green charge button. This will take the DC/DC's offline to facilitate faster charging. To turn your PSC1 off, simply press the top button again, wait a second and, lights out. =)


Below is the 5V 50,000mA/hr version. Notice the power supply lights on the side. 4 Blue lights means fully charged

Below is the 36,800mA/hr model.

Below is an engineering prototype model. They are functionally exactly the same as the ones above, but they are less expensive.




The product has two USB charge ports and requires opening the enclosure to adjust +-9V polarities

The Power Supply Chain 1 is designed to keep your effects powered up for your whole show so you can concern yourself with playing and not checking batteries. 

Now, let's see the product in its' shipping container.

Notice the product provides a free uB charge cable, 2mm load cable and battery specification sheet.  The supply is wrapped in wax paper not plastic for environmental reasons.

                                                            Turning on the Power Supply Chain 1.

  Simply turn it over and press the button 1 time. To turn it off, press the same button quickly 2 times. It's that simple. Now, you're ready to go.

Battery charge status:

Observe 4 blue lights on, indicating fully charged battery.  If only 1 blue light  is illuminated, it's time to  recharge. The battery maintains its' 5 volt output, throughout the entirety of the charge cycle. This is a definite advantage of the Power Supply Chain 1. 

Changing Polarity to +9V

Now, let's learn how to select +9V in case you need it. Simply unscrew the silver screws and open the Power Supply enclosure. See the circuit board and move the jumper to the +9V selection on the circuit  board. See the Green light change to Orange. Now you have +9V selected. The light was put there only to remind you that you have + or - voltage selected. Reassemble supply. See below.

Overcurrent event:

 Note: incorrect bias, in other words, using +9V in a -9V application can cause many things to happen, and, none of them are good. Therefore, there is a resettable fuse to protect from an over current event. The fuse will open during the overcurrent event, then reclose itself, and normal operation will resume, after the problem has been corrected. Close up the supply and it's ready for use.

Recharging your Power Supply Chain 1

Now, let's learn how to recharge the Power Supply Chain 1. It's as easy as all the other functions previously described. See the picture below.

Recharge Mode:

The edge of the Power Supply  has a  slot to plug in a USB uB cable (provided in package). Plug the uB cable into an ordinary wall adapter, and into the wall outlet. Important: The power supply will charge in this configuration. However, it will charge much  faster if you press the green button on the front panel which disables the +-9V and 12V outputs as well as the top  USB output.) The bottom USB slot is still operable. (See picture below.)

Notice how the green channel lights are off and the yellow light is on. This means the PSC1 is in charge mode. To take it back out of charge mode, simply press the battery button 2 times to turn it off and 1 time to restart in normal operating mode. It's that simple. =)

How  to  buy.

The Power Supply Chain 1 is sold exclusively on this website. Not available in stores. We hope it brings you many years of reliable use. Interlude LLC

“I couldn't believe how convenient and reliable the power supply from Interlude LLC is. It's a game changer for my outdoor gigs. Highly recommended!”

Samantha M.

The Power Supply Chain 1 keeps all my effects working all night, indoors or out, so I can concentrate on my playing, not troubleshooting batteries.

Jack R


Power Supply Chain 1 (prototype)

US$95.00 US$75.00

Power Supply Chain 1 (prototype)

US$95.00 US$75.00

 Engineering prototype. Same functionality, cost reduced. 

 Galvanic isolation on all 10 channels/ 2  12V 250mA channels and 8  +-9V outputs 150mA plus USB output 2.1Amps


Use this hyperlink to order:


5V 36,800mA/hr battery Galvanic isolation on all 10 channels/ 2  12V 250mA channels and 8 +-9V outputs 150mA plus USB output 2.1Amps

5V 50,000mA/hr Galvanic isolation on all 10 channels/ 2  12V 250mA channels and 8  +-9V outputs 150mA plus USB output 2.1Amps

While stocks last

Cool Luzer Solar Panel

US$17.99 US$10.99
While stocks last

Cool Luzer Solar Panel

US$17.99 US$10.99

Inflation busting solar panel Cool Luzer on sale for just $10.99. 36,800mA/hr at 5V while  supplies last.

About us

Interlude LLC is dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality power supply solutions for musicians. We understand the challenges of performing in various settings and have designed our products to meet those needs. Our team is committed to ensuring that every musician can rely on our power supplies to keep the music playing. With a focus on durability, portability, and performance, Interlude LLC is the go-to choice for musicians seeking reliable power solutions.